Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, more than 3 million people crossed the Polish border. They had to leave their homes and their lives behind to escape the atrocities of war. Many of them had only a couple of minutes to make this tough decision. They traveled for many days, carrying their kids, their pets and a few of their personal belongings that they managed to pack in a hurry.
How is Poland Helping Ukrainian Refugees?
In Poland, people have mobilized to help. Much of this help is carried out by volunteers taking their time off work, by individual people and non-governmental organizations. The Polish are gathering donations, offering Ukrainians shelter in their own homes, volunteering at reception centers. It is heartwarming to see how people have united to help, how eager they are to volunteer their time, effort and money. It is also amazing how many of you are donating money to support Ukrainian refugees and help Polish people to bring aid. Thank you! We couldn’t do it without you.
But with so many people that have come to Poland, the challenge is enormous and long-lasting. Warsaw is the key destination for the refugees. Some of them are traveling further, but most of them are here to stay. And they need our support on many levels.
You can learn more about the challenges connected with helping Ukrainian refugees get a new start here in Poland from our interview with the Mayor of Wawer.
Support the 'Free Shop' in Warsaw
All around Warsaw, people have organized 'free shops’ where Ukrainian families that need support can get basic hygiene and first-aid products, cleaning products and food for free. Your donations help us deliver necessary products to one of these free shops. Your help really matters! What are the approximate costs?
How is Our Foundation Helping?
Polish people are known world-wide for their solidarity and hospitality. And they are definitely proving that this reputation is well-deserved.
We have also joined the action and we are putting a lot of time and effort into helping Ukrainian refugees begin their new life here. No matter if Poland is just a temporary home for them, or if they are here to stay. If you would like to know more about what we are doing, we encourage you to follow us on Facebook or subscribe to our YouTube channel (don’t forget to click the bell icon in order to get notifications when we publish a new video!)
You can also subscribe to our newsletter and be up-to-date with the latest events.
Would you like to support our Foundation? Please DONATE. Your help really matters!
You can also make a wire transfer to:
BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A.
Fundacja Polscy Przodkowie
Zwolenska 40A/2 04-761 Warszawa
Please include the following statement: donation for statutory goals

About Ancestors Poland Foundation
We are a non-profit organization from Poland, established out of love for Poland. Our main goal is to connect Poles from all over the world with their homeland, mainly by helping them with genealogical research and by educational activity.
Foundation Details
National Court Register Number (KRS): 0000752280
Tax Identification Number (NIP): 9522187344
National Business Registry Number (REGON): 381522602
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